Sunday 12 February 2012

New design pattern? Single Responsibility Pattern

So I think I came up with a new design pattern. I can't be sure that I'm the first one to use it of course, but I couldn't find anything like it in my 2 or 3 minutes of hard searching, so I'm calling it the "Single Responsibility Pattern".

Ever since I read Clean Code by Robert C. Martin (thanks Xerxesb for the reading recommendation!), my entire attitude to code design and separation of concerns has changed. The Single Responsibility Principal has probably been the hardest thing to take on board and actually use, since for me the temptation is often too strong to resist to overload a class with several 'useful' features that really should be split off and abstracted away.

So the Single Responsibility Pattern has helped me out with this, and made code simpler at the same time.

Consider a class whose single responsibility is to load sales stats from a database or XML or some other source. Without turning this class into a 'manager' with many responsibilities, this is sortof what it starts looking like:

class SalesLoader

    internal static void LoadSales()
        new SalesLoader().LoadSalesInternal();

    void LoadSalesInternal()
        // strategy pattern comes in here


By having a private constructor, and publishing only one static non-private method, this class becomes a single-responsibility utility class, that doesn't have to be instantiated needlessly every time it is called, cleaning up usage  code. We also don't have to worry about issues of memory leaks caused by Singletons persisting for the life of the program, plus I don't have to write static before every private implementation method, which is just a pain! By using the Strategy Pattern to control the actual implementation of LoadSalesInternal, we also don't have to worry about subclassing SalesLoader to provide new implementations of this functionality.

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